
怌There's something wrong with Lan Wangji.怍

Q: What is #DarkLanZhan events?

A: We are an account that organises fanwork-centered events with a focus on delving into the darker desires and facets of the character Lan Wangji from the novel Mo Dao Zu Shi. The novel itself explores themes of morality and how even the most highly principled of characters can have their intentions mangled by the perception of the mob. This account aims to encourage the exploration of what might occur if beloved characters in the story made different choices and gave in to their darker impulses.

Q: What sort of events have you hosted?

A: We began our journey in 2020 and have since hosted 8 successful events, starting with a #DarkLanZhan Week in November 2020. Our events range from full weeks, to weekend events, to digital zines, and most recently, Xmas gift exchanges.

Q: Is there an age limit?

A: Due to the nature of our events, we only accept participants 18 years and older.

Q: What ships and pairings do you allow in your events?

A: Any, as long as one half of the pairing is Lan Wangji (and a darker iteration of him, at that).

Q: What qualifies as "Dark" Lan Zhan?

A: #DarkLanZhan operates across a broad spectrum. Depending on your personal tastes, it can encompass the supernatural, delve into the macabre, explore themes of obsession, even offer tooth-rotting fluff; present stories within the canon universe, or venture into narratives that explore alternate paths. There is no rigid or predefined definition of #DarkLanZhan; it's a space where you can shape and define who he is based on your interpretation and preferences. With that said, remember to use appropriate tags and providing warnings when sharing your work online.

Q: I have never written #DarkLanZhan before in my life and/or i have never created a fanwork in my life. Should i still participate in your events?

A: Of course! Lack of experience should never be a barrier to participation. If you haven't tried your hand at creating fanworks or specifically #DarkLanZhan content before, consider #DarkLanZhan events as the perfect opportunity to dive in and explore this intriguing world. You're warmly welcomed to join us over hereā€”the #DarkLanZhan void beckons you.

Q: I have questions and concerns. Where can i reach the moderators?

A: You can quickly get in touch with us by sending a direct message (DM) to our @DarkLanZhan Twitter/X account, which is the fastest way to reach us. Alternatively, if you're already a member of our #DarkLanZhan Discord server, please don't hesitate to post your questions there. We're here to help!

Past events

XMas Gift Exchange 2022

Dark Union Week 2022